The common name - 'KIN' who represent normal and ordinary. KIN has a dream, he wants to become an art piece, put it into the art museum, and watch it by thousands of people every day. But every time when KIN talk about his dream with colleagues, even he start to achieve the dream. They were just make fun of him ridiculed and being ostracized.
When KIN wants to give up his dream. Halloween is reaching, A modern Halloween is a masquerade. KIN decides to put a pumpkin head on and turn to be an art piece for appreciation.

We always open the idea with co-operating and assisting any other ambitious and creative designers from worldwide.

The Midnite Hotel was leaded by “A Gui”(LIU, YUHUAN). He graduated from the Theatre Design Department of the National Taipei Art University. Majoring in stage design. Works like to create an overall atmosphere scene, increase the story, style dark fairy. Inspired by half dreams. He won the 4th winner of the 4th Taiwan & Japan Monster Award and the 4th winner of the National Sci-Fi Modeling Contest.